Tuesday, 18 May 2021


At the end of every unit we have a dictation with all the words from the Pronunciation Lab. Students know these words from the very beginning and we review them every day in class so that by repetition they are at least capable of recognising all of them. However, we also want to make sure that, apart from learning these words by heart and being able to spell them, they are also learning their meanings and they can use them in a real and relevant context for them. 

From third grade on, instead of having a simple dictation of just words, they have been adding the sentences with each of the words they had to learn. In second grade we have been practising out loud in the classroom, proposing sentences with theses words in context. However, in the last dictation we had a bonus which most of the students decided to complete. It consisted in choosing a word from the Pronunciation Lab and writing a complete sentence using that word. 

Here you can see some examples: 

2nd Grade

3rd Grade

4th Grade 

6th Grade